A Real Hero

Hello everyone, so today is a special day here in America. First off, I am not talking about the president and all that going on today, this is not political. What I am speaking of is that today is a day to celebrate Martin Luther King, a hero of the civil rights movement.

With that in mind, I want to discuss what a hero truly is. This is a subject I go into often within my Silver Dove series, but it mostly boils down to one thing; a hero is someone who tries to help the greater good even though it may harm them. We saw this with Mr. King; he died trying to make sure that people could be treated equally no matter what they looked like.

Within Silver Dove, you see this with Colomba. She fights to keep everyone in her town safe even though they constantly beat her down. Even though she suffers mentally, she doesn’t give in. Even when she wants to give up, she doesn’t, because she knows who she is and what she has to do. She knows that she must sacrifice if that means that everyone else can be safe. And to me, that is exactly what a hero does.