Welcome to my blog

Hello world and all who inhabit it! Welcome to my brand spanking new website! It has taken a while to get to this point, I mean I finished my first book when I was seventeen, I really need to get with the times. Oh well, I’m here now and so happy about it. Please feel … Read more

Happy Holidays

Hello everyone, at this time of year there are multiple holidays occurring around the same time. Just like everyone else, I will be spending that time with family so I will probably not be writing in this blog for the next two weeks or so. I hope that you are all having a beautiful holiday … Read more

New Home, New Places

Hello everyone, for those who do not remember, I moved a few months back and have been getting acquainted with my new area. It has been difficult establishing myself in a new place, but it has been worth it, getting to be in a place that I find to be more at home in. I … Read more

New Projects

Hello everyone, I just wanted to tell everyone about some new projects that I may be releasing some time in the future. I have been working with some people to try and develop some scripts I have written and turn them into short films. Fingers crossed that can work out well so I can show … Read more


Hello everyone, sorry that I haven’t been posting that much recently. I have been a bit ill the pasts two weeks and have recently gotten over it. In this time of Thanksgiving we are asked what we feel grateful for and I must say that I am grateful for all of you. My readers have … Read more

Giving Back

Hello everyone, I am the kind that believes in giving back when you have gotten to a certain point in life. I got published at an early age, and was thus able to get farther than most at my age, because of that I wish to help others reach that point. I have just recently … Read more

Vendor Fair

Hello everyone, after all the chaos of moving, this weekend I will having a sense of normality and getting started with a vendor fair again. On Saturday I’ll be at Parry’s in Hamilton, NY from 10-1. I’ll be there with my books and other such things, I hope I can meet some new readers there.

Calm After the Storm

Hello everyone. I am happy to announce with this post that things have finally calmed down after my move and I can really start posting and being more active with this again. It has always been a struggle to work on this as well as everything else in my life, and with the move it … Read more

Thank You

Ever since my last post, I have had people providing their encouragement to me. It takes a lot of courage to be honest with the world about what you truly are, especially if the world doesn’t approve of what you are. I have also received a few scathing remarks, but that just lets me know … Read more

The Radio Interview

Hello everyone, for those of you who tuned in to the radio interview a few weeks ago, this will not be news to you, but I want to be honest with everyone else. In that interview, I was on a show that discusses things within nerd culture. With my books being about super heroes it … Read more


Hello everyone, sorry that I have been a bit MIA for a while but I have been moving across the country. I will no longer be a resident of Florida and instead will be in New York. Thank goodness for that, you can only take such much Florida Man before it becomes too much. I … Read more