The Radio Interview

Hello everyone, for those of you who tuned in to the radio interview a few weeks ago, this will not be news to you, but I want to be honest with everyone else.

In that interview, I was on a show that discusses things within nerd culture. With my books being about super heroes it made perfect sense. Since the interview was being done within Pride Month, I discussed LGBT+ community within nerd culture. I discussed how within the latest book, Secrets Revealed, a girl was getting bullied, but you don’t know why until the very end of the book, she is a lesbian. It also reveals that the main character’s best friend named Nat is also a lesbian and the two start dating. Once this is revealed to Colomba, she also comes out to her friend revealing that she is Asexual.

I knew this needed to happen since so many within the LGBT+ community get hurt so often by those around them who do not understand what they feel. I know this because I am asexual as well. During this radio interview I actually came out to the world and revealed that, before that moment only a few friends and my husband knew about it. I was living in a not very accepting area surrounded by people who might have had the hatred in their soul to harm me if I had revealed that earlier. I decided to do this now since I was going to move not too long afterwards and would not be in any danger anymore. I also made sure that a lot of people I knew including family and friends, who may not agree with me being part of this community, would be listening so that I could tell them all at once, and if they did not like it they could be out of my life permanently. I now have no secrets that I am hiding from the world, if people will hate me for it, then they do not need to be a part of my life. I hope that those who read my books who also go through this struggle can find a bit of hope with what I have done and what I have written. That’s all that I want to do in this world, that is my purpose, to bring joy. I know what it is like to be miserable, I do not wish that upon anyone else.